The Department of Surgery gratefully acknowledges the generosity of the following donors.
AASLD Foundation
Ms. Patricia Abel
Aesthetic Surgery Education & Research Foundation
Ameren Corporation Charitable Trust
American Foundation for Surgery of the Hand
American Hernia Society Educational Foundation, Inc.
American Society Reconstructive Microsurgery
American Surgical Association Foundation
Dr. Carlos Guerino Arcangeli
Mrs. Carol Robert Armstrong
Association of Academic Surgery Foundation
Dr. Israel Barken
Barrett Brown Foundation
Bhayani Philanthropic Fund
Richard Blath Charitable Fund
Dr. & Mrs. Keith and Tina Brandt
Mr. Stephen F. Brauer, Jr.
Dr. Ross C. Brownson
Dr. David A. Caplin
Dr. Lawrence J. Chase
Children’s Discovery Institute
Children’s Hospital Foundation – St. Louis
Colon Cancer Alliance, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Leo and Jeanne Cremins
Dr. William H. Danforth
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald K. and Karen DeGuerre
Mr. Patrick Delhougne
Dr. E. Gene Deune
Dr. John Stanley Dillon
Mrs. Patricia A. Drew
Mr. Derick L. Driemeyer
Mr. John P. Dubinsky
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. and Mary C. Dunn
Emerson Collective Fund
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Sherburne Figenshau
Mr. John Fluss
Mr. Loretto Flynn
The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital
The Foundation for Surgical Fellowships
Prof. Donald G. Frank
Mr. Michael H. Freund
Dr. Robert D. Fry
Dr. Keith Harry Fulling
Dr. Dianne Levisohn Garvin
Dr. Todd J. Garvin
The Gateway for Cancer Research
Dr. Deborah Jo Gersell
Dr. David A. Hardy
Mr. & Mrs. John and Karen Harmon
Reverend and Mrs. Paul and Jane Hoffmann
Ms. Christine Hood
Dr. Eugene Hsiao
Dr. Donald V. Huebener
The International Society for Heart and
Lung Transplantation
Parviz Kamangar Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Raymond Keltner
Dr. Akio Kitahama
Dr. Mitsuo Kitahara
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Klickovich
Dr. & Mrs. Ira J. and Barbara Ann
Bottchen Kodner
Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Ms. Gale Lamar
Mr. Rick Lamar
Ms. Debra A. Lane
Dr. Gilbert Wesley Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. and Betty K. Little
Dr. & Mrs. Maurice J. Lonsway, Jr.
Mrs. Marilyn Lord
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. and
Margaret B. MacGregor
March of Dimes Foundation
Dr. Mark Victor Mazziotti
Mr. P. Joseph McKee III
Ms. Kathryn Mendenhall
Mid-America Transplant Services
Midland Investment Trust
Midwest Stone Institute
Dr. Arthur Joseph Misischia
Dr. Mony Mohanakumar
Dr. Seymour C. Nash
Mr. & Mrs. Michael N. Newmark
Dr. Charles Gordon Newton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick S. and Karen O’Brien
Dr. George A. Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. and Joyce A. Oltmann
Dr. William Frank Oppat
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
Dr. Harper D. Pearse
Ms. Kimberly J. Perry
Ms. Janelle Phillips
New Endowed Professorships
The Plastic Surgery Foundation
Dr. Matthew Porembka
Dr. Richard A. Prinz
Mr & Mrs. Eliot G. and Barbara J. Protsch
Dr. George F. Reinhardt
Dr. Joseph Anthony Reinkemeyer
Rising Tide Foundation for Clinical
Cancer Research
Dr. Michael Rosenbloom
Mr. Robert A. Rosenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Carl and Paula Rough
Mr. & Mrs. Tommy and Karen K. Royce
Marc & Helen Rubenstein Philanthropic Fund
Dr. Kathleen B. Schwarz
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent E. Shaw
Dr. & Mrs. Gregorio A. Sicard
SIS Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Rustin and Pat Snodgrass
Society for Vascular Surgery Foundation
Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons
Society of University Surgeons
Mrs. Joyce B. Spiegel
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. and Kathryn St. Julian
Standard Machine and Manufacturing Company
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph T. and Susan E. Stepp
Mr. & Mrs. Craig L. and Barbara M. Stiegemeier
Dr. & Mrs. Paul T. and Suzanne Stockmann
Ms. Diane Swearingen
Dr. Wen Hui Tan
Dr. Matthew R. Thom
Dr. Lewis J. Thomas, Jr.
Ms. Helen T. Thurber
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tindall
Urology Care Foundation
Vascular Cures
Dr. Renata V. Weber

Daniel Kreisel, MD, PhD, a noted physician-scientist and surgical director of the lung transplantation program at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and Barnes-Jewish Hospital, accepts the inaugural G. Alexander Patterson, MD/Mid-America Transplant Endowed Distinguished Chair in Lung Transplantation.

Nicholas Kouchoukos, MD, is the first John M. Shoenberg Emeritus
Chair of Cardiothoracic Surgery, recognizing 44 combined years with
BJC HealthCare and Washington University School of Medicine. He
served as surgeon-in-chief at Jewish Hospital for 12 years and led a
highly respected heart surgery practice at Missouri Baptist Medical
Center after leaving Jewish Hospital.
To Make a Gift
The Department of Surgery welcomes your support. Ways to make a gift include annual unrestricted giving such as membership in the Eliot Society, gifts for education of residents and fellows, support for research and endowment, and planned gifts and bequests. For additional information, please contact the Office of Medical Alumni and Development at (314) 935-9690.