Cardiothoracic Surgery
The division improves heart outcomes through technological treatment advances, curbs bias in studies of lung cancer patients, and focuses on teamwork in the pediatric cardiothoracic surgery operating room.

General Surgery
Surgeon outreach lessens gun violence impact; efforts lower blood clot risk, reduce treatment disparities, identify better cancer treatments, prevent surgical infections, improve transplant organ viability, and lower surgery costs.

Pediatric Surgery
Pediatric surgeons at St. Louis Children’s Hospital fill a niche for fetal surgery in the Midwest region while employing operative checklists, multidisciplinary care coordination and team training to minimize risks of a delicate surgery.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Plastic surgeons improve rate of opioid disposal through patient education brochure and engage residents to combat epidemic.

Public Health Sciences
Web-based decision-support tool helps cancer survivors navigate health insurance choices to find the best plan to cover needed care.

Urologic Sugery
Urology resident works to combat “weekend effect,” implementing discharge checklist to lower readmission rates.